1) People assume Rita is a very calm person, ________ she tends to panic easily and worry about everything. a) although b) even though c) therefore d) despite 2) ______________ Ian's goodhearted nature, people often take advantage of him. a) Because b) Owing to c) On account of d) despite 3) When Beth went to the interview, she was convinced she would not get the job. ______________, she was exactly what the director was looking for. a) Nonetheless b) Despite c) Still d) although 4) ____________________ being young, Amanda was allowed to participate in the competition. a) In spite of b) Despite c) However d) Although 5) The nurse asked the children to be quiet _____________________ to let the patient get some rest.  a) so as to b) due to c) in order to d) so to 6) A lot of people have been forced to get a second job _________ the cost of living is so high in this country a) since b) as c) yet d) if 7) There was no time to waste, _______________ a decision had to be made then and there. a) so b) such c) therefore d) because of 8) ____________ siblings at this age often quarrel a lot, they seem to be getting along extremely well. a) Because b) While c) Whereas d) Due to 9) Everyone wondered what was wrong with Jake ______________ his strange behavior. a) despite b) on account of c) because of d) seeing that 10) Peter assured the manager that he would not be late again. Nonetheless I Although I However, he was fired. Peter assured the manager that he would not be late again. ___________, he was fired.  a) Nonetheless b) Although c) However d) whereas


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