What do you usually have for breakfast?, How often do you listen to music? what music do you like?, Do you like doing exercise or sport? How often?, Do you prefer to watch films at home or in the cinema? Why?, Describe the appareance and personality of a friend, Describe the appareance and personality of somebody famous, Who is the funniest person you know?, Tell us about a time when you lost your phone, Tell us about a time when you sent an email or text to the wrong person, Tell us about a time when you broke something valuable, Tell us about a time when you ate something horrible, Tell us about a time when you overslept and missed something, What was the last thing you booked ( by phone or online)?, Do you like to go away at the weekends? Where?, What were you doing yesterday at 5pm?, What were you doing at this time 2 days ago?, What were you doing the most recent time your cellphone rang?, What a are you going to do on your class off next week? , What are going to eat tomorrow?, What do you think of reggeaton or bachata?, What's the last thing you spend a lot of money on ?, Say three true sentences using the connectors so, but, because,

EF (4ed) Pre- Int Rev 1-3B


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