Physical Geography (Geografía Física) - Surface features (land and water), animals, and plants that make up the surrounding lands. , Human Geography (geografía humana) - Study of humans relationships with communities, cultures, economies, and their interactions with the environment., Pre-Contact Indigenous Natives (Pre-contacto Indígenas de Texas) - Karankawas, Coahuiltecans, Atakapans Caddoes, Wichitas, Comanches, Apaches, Jumanos, and Tiguas, Texas Regions (Regiones de Texas) - Four Distinct areas of land in Texas know as the Coastal Plains, North Central Plains, Great Plains and Mountains and Basins. , Vegetation (vegetación) - The plant cover, grasses, brush, and trees, that naturally grows in an area. , Settlement (asentamiento) - A small village created by explorers/conquerors in a new land. , Nomad (nómada) - Indigenous people that move their camps from place to place in search of food., Conquistadors (conquistadores) - Spanish explorers that explored and conquered North and South America motivated by riches. , Expedition (expedición) - Organized group of people that explore a new land in search of valuables. , Irrigation (irrigación) - Man-made system to move water from rivers to crops. , Livestock (ganado) - Various farm animals that are raised for food such as sheep, goats, cows and pigs. , Hunter/Gatherer (Cazadores-Recolectores) - Indigenous people that survived from hunting animals and picking edible plants. , Economy (economia) - How people make a living with what they have available in their area. , Agriculture (agricultura) - When people grow livestock and crops to feed themselves instead of hunting and gathering. , Terrain (terreno) - The physical features that exist on a stretch of land. , Marshes (pantano) - An area of swampy land that is a combination of water soaked lands. , Adobe Bricks (ladrillos de adobe) - Native made sun-baked bricks that consist of dirt and organic materials like straw., Native Mounds (montículos nativos) - Man-made mounds of dirt that were constructed by natives for religious purposes. ,


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