1) What does the Microsoft Word icon (app) look like? a) b) c) d) 2) What do Microsoft Word file names end in? a) .ppt b) .doc c) .pdf d) .word 3) What is this? a) location of document b) the greeting c) name of document d) name of the slideshow 4) What is the name of this toolbar in Word? a) The Top b) The Label c) The Ribbon d) The Boss 5) What is this the symbol for in Word? a) Escape b) Send c) Save d) Close 6) These arrows are for a) left and right b) undo and redo c) forward and backward d) this way and that way 7) What are these sections that stand up at the top of the tool bar called? a) Tabs b) Places c) Groups d) Sections 8) What is the arrow pointing to in MS Word? a) the name of the document b) tabs c) the zoom slider tool d) I'm not sure 9) What are the pink boxes? a) tabs b) areas c) families d) groups 10) Which "tab" would you use to insert a picture into your word document? a) file b) insert c) home d) page layout 11) What does this tool do? a) Bold the Text b) Erase the Text c) Underline the Text d) Make the Text Beautiful 12) This tool changes your font a) size b) shape c) color d) alignment 13) This tool changes your font a) style b) color c) size d) alignment 14) This tool changes your font a) color b) shape c) size d) alignment 15) You can have a horizontal and/or vertical one of these. a) tools b) side thingie c) strips d) scroll bar 16) This is a cool tool! What is it called? a) Word Color b) Word Art c) Word Shapes d) I have no idea. 17) This tool lets you a) zoom b) bold c) underline d) erase 18) The "I" that is highlighted stands for a) Interesting b) Inside c) Italic d) Ice Cream 19) Which of the following is NOT a font style? a) Bold b) Italics c) Underline d) Subscript 20) A feature in word that corrects errors as you type is called? a) Spell Check b) AutoFormat c) AutoCorrect d) AutoFit


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