1) An essential feature of consideration is that a) It must be cash b) It must be given by the promisee alone c) It must be at the request of the Promisor d) It must be in kind 2) Consideration must be something which the Promisor a) Is already bound to do b) Is not already bound to do c) May voluntarily do d) Must not do 3) If A renders some service to B at B’s  desire and after a month B promises to compensate A for the service rendered to him, it is a a) Present consideration b) Past consideration c) Future consideration d) Not a consideration at all 4) A for natural love and affection, promises to give his son B Rs 1,000. A puts his promise to B into writing and registers it. This is a a) Contract b) Agreement c) Promise d) Offer 5) A person who is not a party to a contract a) Cannot sue b) Can sue c) Can sue only in well recognized cases d) Can sue the Government 6) A promises to pay Rs. 1,000 to B if he brings a star from sky to earth and B agrees to bring the star to earth. In this case, contract is a) Valid b) Void as consideration is illusory c) Illegal d) Contingent 7) A person for whose benefit a provision is made in partition deed of joint family property but he is not a party to such settlement a) Cannot sue as partition of property is not a recognized exeption b) Can sue as it is a recognized exception to the rule of privity of contract c) Can sue after becoming party to the settlement d) Can sue only if court allow him to do so 8) A promises, for no consideration, to give to B Rs 1,000 a) This is a void agreement  b) This is a valid agreement c) This is a voidable agreement d) None of the above


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