a power nap - a quick and useful way of getting a bit of energy back into your body. It is said that a short 30-40 minute nap is better and more energizing than a 1-2 hour sleep., hit the sack - go to bed or go to sleep, catch some zzzs - get some sleep, you can't get a wink of sleep - you can't sleep at all, light sleeper - someone who is easily awoken, wake up on the wrong side of the bed - wake up feeling grumpy and tired, be out like a light - fall asleep very quickly, Sleep in - to sleep longer than usual, yawn - to take a deep breath with your mouth wide open, because you are tired or bored, doze off - to have a short, light sleep without intending to, while you are doing something else (e.g. reading a book, watching television, studying in class), snore - breathe noisily during one's sleep, sleep-deprived - lacking the sleep needed over a period of time, sleep disorder - a disturbance in the normal pattern of sleeping, Sleep over - Sleep at a friend's house, Sleep on it - Delay making a decision until the following day, drowsy - ready to fall asleep, sleepy, oversleep - sleep longer than you should or want, sleepwalking - walking or carrying out behaviors while asleep,


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