Arctic - Covered with ice all year round., Tundra - Summer can only thaw the top 15 cm of the soil., Taiga - Spring and autumn are short transitional periods., Continental - Its vegetation is grassland and deciduous forest., Marine - Summers are cool, winters are mild. Lost of rain all year round., Temperate desert. - Winters are very cold, summers are extremely hot and dry. Vegetation is drought resistant scrub., Temperate monsoon - Summers are cool and rainy, winters are cold and dry., Mediterranean - Winds carry rain in winter, winters are mild, summers are hot and dry., Subtropical monsoon - Summers are warm and the rainiest, vegetation : evergreen oak, magnolia., Tropical desert - The hottest spots on Earth., Savannas - Vegetation is baobab trees, tall grasses., Equatorial - Humidity of the air is constantly high. Daily and annual change of temperature is small., Tropical monsoon - 3 seasons are formed. Warm, dry winter, hot dry spring and warm very wet summer.,

Climates of the Earth ( Műszaki kiadó)


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