1) I’d like two bigger sandwiches. This sandwich is ... small. a) enough b) too 2) You can’t wear these shoes. Your feet are ... big. a) enough b) too 3) I can’t buy this shampoo. It isn’t cheap ... . a) enough b) too 4) This snake isn’t a good pet. It’s ... dangerous. a) enough b) too 5) I can’t carry this table. I am not strong ... . a) enough b) too 6) Small shops are sometimes ... expensive. a) enough b) too 7) This shopping list isn't clear ... . a) enough b) too 8) Let's buy that shampoo on special offer. This one isn't cheap ... . a) enough b) too 9) I don't like shopping baskets. They aren't big ... to carry all the shopping. a) enough b) too 10) Let's stand in another queue. This one is ... long. a) enough b) too



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