tied up - I am sorry David can't help with the project, he is.............at the moment., cut corners - We will have to ...... some .........because we are running out of money, take the bull by the horns - My mid-level decorators constantly delayed painting my house, so I ........................... and fired them., head or tail - The report was written in Japanese, so I couldn't make..........................of it., getting the hang of (something) - I am just ..............................cooking for two people since getting married, bite the bullet - If you want to get a raise you have to............and go talk to your boss., sticking point - How to pay for the equipment was the ............throughout the project., not my cup of tea - Going to work late with a hangover is......................., snowed under - I can't take more work right now because....................., back to the drawing board - The client didn't like any of the designs, so it's...................................................., corner the market - Microsoft more or less corners the software market., get down to business - We usually .....................after greeting the clients and offering them water.,


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