kidney - the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine, scalp - the skin that covers the part of the head , skull - the bone structure that forms the head , ankle - it is connecting the foot to the leg , blood - the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals, bottom - the lowest part of something, wrist - the part between the hand and the arm, calf - the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee, cheek - side of the face below the eyes, intestine - A long tube in the body. Food passes through it, muscle - The tissue that forms the muscles of the body, elbow - the part between the upper and lower parts of the arm, heart - the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on the left in humans, jaw - either of the two bones at the bottom of the face that move when you talk or eat, nail - the part covering the tip of the fingers or toes, rib - bones that surround the chest, shin - the front part of the leg below the knee, stomach - the organ inside the body where food goes when you eat , thigh - the top part of the leg between the knee and the hip, throat - the front part of the neck, spine - the small bones that are connected together in the middle of the back, thumb - the short finger at the side of the hand, toe - one of the five small parts of the foot, waist - the area between the hips and the ribs, heel - the back part of the foot below the ankle, hip - the area the top of the leg and the middle part of the body, chest - the top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach,
Solutions Intermediate 3rd 3A Parts of the body
Solutions Inter 3rd edition
Επεξεργασία περιεχομένου
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
Εμφάνιση λιγότερων
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι ιδιωτικός. Κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή
για να τον δημοσιοποιήσετε.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης έχει απενεργοποιηθεί από τον κάτοχό του.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι απενεργοποιημένος, καθώς οι επιλογές σας είναι διαφορετικές από τον κάτοχό του.
Επαναφορά επιλογών
είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.
Απαιτείται σύνδεση
Οπτικό στυλ
Απαιτείται συνδρομή
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