How did you learn English? Has it been difficult?, What kind of class activities do you like most? Which ones have been better for you?, How can you become more confident using your English?, What's the most important thing you have learnt in life?, Have you ever had a hard time learning something?, Who is the best speaker of English in your family? Where did they learn it?, Tell me about a school or university teacher you remember (for good or for bad)?, Tell me about your school? What subjects were you good or bad at?, Tell me about your university? What were the most meaningful things you learnt there?, Have you ever tried watching full movies or series in English?, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” Henry Ford. Do you agree or disagree? Why?, "I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.” Chinese Proverb. Explain., "Don't be afraid to make mistakes! In learning languages, nothing feels better than getting it right after getting it wrong" Discuss., "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere" Chinese Proverb. Explain., Are you planning to learn anything new next year? What? How?, What's the most meaningful learning you have got from sharing with inmates?, What do you think inmates have learnt from you?, Have you learnt anything from this pandemic times?, Think about a question related to this topic., Think about a question related to this topic..


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