dairy products - an extensive group of food products made from milk, fizzy drink - a drink containing small bubbles of gas, poultry - domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, processed food - foods that have been treated to change their physical, chemical, microbiological, or sensory properties, pulses - the seeds of a group of plants, such as peas, beans, and lentils, used as food, saturated fats - any animal or vegetable fat, abundant in fatty meats, dairy products, coconut oil, and palm oil, tending to raise cholesterol levels in the blood, wholegrain - the whole unprocessed grains of cereals such as wheat and maize, reduce - to make or become smaller or less, digest - to change food after it has been eaten into simpler forms that the body can use, digestion - the process by which the body breaks down food into small nutrient molecules, additives - substances that are added to foods but are not normally consumed by themselves as foods, carbohydrates - organic compounds broken down to glucose to provide energy, cholesterol - a type of fat made by the body from saturated fat; a minor part of fat in foods, fibre - crucial for bulking up food for efficient digestion, it is contained in fruit and vegetables; any thread-shaped structure, nutrient - chemical substance that an organism needs to sustain life, preservative - a substance that stops the growth of microorganisms in food, protein - an organic compound that is made of one or more chains of amino acids and that is a principal component of all cells; it helps build muscles, burn calories - engage in activities that use a lot of energy,

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