1) My brother _________________ playing football. He plays football every weekend.  a) like b) doesn't like c) likes d) don't like 2) Sam is really ___________________ . He talks all the time! a) quiet b) chatty c) shy 3) Ada ___________________ to Bodrum next month.  a) went b) will go  c) goes d) didn't go 4) My brother is allergic to nuts. He _________________________ eats peanut butter! a) always b) usually c) never 5) ____________________ designs buildings.  a) A nurse  b) An architect  c) A pilot d) A journalist 6) Eggs, salmon and chicken are from the food group ______________________  a) dairy products b) proteins c) fats d) vegetables 7) An animal's home or environment is called its __________________ a) house b) desert c) habitat d) cave 8) Cats and mice have ________________________ on their face.  a) whiskers b) tails c) feet d) snouts 9) ___________________ makes cakes and cookies. a) A clerk  b) A baker c) An engineer d) A designer 10) A third grader is ___________________ than a preschool student. a) younger  b) older c) less old d) more old 11) In January, the weather is usually ________________ in İstanbul . a) hot and sunny b) cold and snowy c) warm and sunny 12) An iphone 11 is ___________________ than an iphone 8. a) less expensive b) more expensive c) cheaper d) expensiver 13) A turtle moves really ________________ . a) slow b) fast c) fastly d) slowly 14) Cheese, milk and ice cream belong to the food group ___________________________ a) Pastries b) Dairy products c) Fats d) Vegetables 15) _______________________ causes landslides.  a) Planting trees b) Cutting trees c) Too little rain d) Hot weather 16) You should brush your teeth _________________ you go to bed. a) after b) before 17) Last year, I ____________________ to America with my family. a) go b) went c) will go d) goed 18) My English teacher is very _____________________ . She always helps us.  a) sad b) impatient c) caring d) angry 19) We can __________________ waste by recycling. a) increase b) reduce 20) Cats and dogs have four _________________ . a) foot  b) legs c) arm  d) teeth 21) Tigers and panda bears are _______________________ animals. There are very few of them left. a) extinct b) endangered 22) _________________ help plants get water and minerals from the soil.  a) Branches b) Petals c) Leaves d) Roots 23) March, April, May are the months of ___________________________ . a) winter b) spring c) summer d) fall 24) When people get married, they usually have a ____________________________ a) birthday party b) wedding ceremony c) festival d) costume party 25) My little cousin is very ___________________. She asks questions all the time! a) honest b) shy c) curious d) lazy 26) Our cat is very _________________ . She doesn't like moving around and sleeps all day long.  a) energetic b) angry c) lazy d) hardworking 27) A skyscraper is ______________________ than a house. a) shorter b) tallest c) more tall d) taller 28) Orange juice is __________________ than Cola. a) less healthy b) healthiest c) healthier d) healthy 29) I _______________________ 20 friends to my birthday party. a) called b) made c) threw d) invited 30) The __________________ protects the house from rain, sun or snow.  a) garden b) lock c) window d) roof 31) I was ill yesterday but today I am feeling _____________________ . a) worse  b) better c) bad d) gooder 32) Can we fly to Cyprus ________________________ Sunday.  a) in b) at c) on 33) Holi is the festival of _________________________ . a) tomatoes b) colors c) lights d) dragons 34) Where _______ you live? a) does b) is c) have d) do 35) You don't cook this food. You make it with different vegetables. a) ice-cream b) salad 36) People ________ this on their birthday. It's a cake a) eating b) likes eating c) eat d) eats 37) The floor is dirty and ______________ a bowl on it. a) there are b) there were c) there weren't d) there is 38) Last weekend I _____ to my grandparents' house. a) will go b) go c) don't go d) went 39) Tom played footballl for my school team ______ Sunday and he hurt his leg. a) in b) at c) on d) above 40) The brown dog is ______ than the white one. a) fat b) fater c) the fattest d) fatter

4th grade Revision test


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