1) When do you use social skills? a) When you are alone b) Anytime you are communicating  2) In what ways can you communicate with others? a) Speaking b) Eye contact, facial expression, hand movement c) Writing d) listening e) Watching television alone 3) If you and your friend are playing and see a child in your class playing alone what should you do? a) Ask the child to play with you b) Ignore the child c) Tell the teacher 4) If you were left out of a game how would you feel? a) Happy b) Sad c) Angry d) excited e) lonely 5) Is it more important to have friends or to have all of your toys to yourself? a) Friends b) Have all the toys 6) Sharing your toys will help you to make friends a) True b) False 7) When your friend is telling a story you should a) Avoid eye contact b) Talk over them c) Think about what is being said d) ignore them e) Listen quietly f) Make eye contact 8) Being mannerly means  a) Saying please and thank you b) taking turns c) Shouting out in class d) Sharing e) Not including classmates in games f) Including everyone 9) When should you show good manners? a) Only at school b) Just at home c) Only when an adult is around d) Always 10) Improving your social skills will make it harder for you to make friends a) True b) False


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