FIRST STORY - A NARROW ESCAPE, You go trekking in the mountains., You climb the peak of a mountain., Suddenly, the sky goes grey., You can hear the roll of thunder in the distance., The wind is getting stronger and stronger., You don't want to be caught in a thunder storm on a top of the mountain., You start to climb down., Suddenly, lightning strikes the tree just beside you., Your hair stands on end and you feel chills up and down your spine., 'I'm a goner', you think., You run for your life., You're completely out of your breath!, Suddenly, you hear a loud roar., It's a bear - just in front of you, out of the blue., You fall to the ground and pretend to be dead., The bear sniffs around you and goes away., Phew! You did it! That was a narrow escape!, You feel you're fed up with mountain trips for some time., SECOND STORY - CANNIBALS, You are the captain of a ship., You are bad and cruel., Your crew rebels against you and throws you into the sea., The waves throw you onto the sea shore., You lift your head and see a tribe of local people around you., They've got hatchets, spears and ropes., They stare at you., They come closer and closer., You are scared stiff and you pass out., The people tie you up with ropes., They take you to their village., You come round and look around., You are sitting in front of a big fire., A fierce looking man puts a big pot on the fire., "Oh no! Cannibals! They are going to eat me!, You start to shake like a leaf., A man gives you a big spoon and a bowl of soup., "Enjoy your supper" he says.,

Two stories: A Narrow escape and Cannibals


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