If I won €200,000...., Unless we protect koalas..., We didn't see Marc because the cinema was closed, If you mix green and yellow..., If you study English, you will pass the exam (Unless), I never sunbathe because I get burnt easily, Da Vinci wrote in code. People didn't understand his documents, The verb practise follows an -ing or to-infinitive?, Create a sentence using an -ing form, If I had obeyed the rules..., We use the second conditional to talk about......., They lost the match because of the heavy rain, We use -to infinitive to talk about: purpose of an action or as the subject of a sentence, If you heat the water at 100ºC...., I wouldn't phone him if...., (Translate into English) Si hubiese tenido más dinero, me habría comprado la Playstation 5, You won't see that star if you don't use a telescope (Unless), Which verb tense do we use in the third conditional?, If I were rich...., We can't go to the beach because it is raining, If your parentes (give) you a different name, what would you have preferred?, (which conditional is it?) If you heat the Ice Cream, it melts , To see/seeing a shark would be an amazing experience, The verb hope follows an -ing or to infinitive ?, I sometimes dream of (be) a great scientist, The grass gets wet...., Which verb tense has the second conditional?, If you travel in the future, where (you/go)?, (Correct the mistake) If I don't leave soon, I would miss the bus.



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