Dublin and Belfast - The parts of Ireland that were industrialised by 1841, Textiles, linen and ship building - Industries that were thriving in Belfast, The Guinness Brewery and wool - Industries that were thriving in Dublin, Tenement - A building that housed a large number of people, Overcrowding - When 2 families lived in 1 room, Typhoid, cholera, scarlet fever and small pox - Common diseases during this era, Places where adults and children worked - Factories and the docks, Fighting and drinking - Things people done to cope with the harshness of their lives, 70% - The percentage of people living in the countryside in 1841, Act of Union - An act that meant Ireland lost its government in Ireland, Catholic Emancipation - An act that would allow catholics sit in English parliament, 1 penny a month - The cost of membership to the Catholic Association, 1829 - The year the Emancipation Act was passed in, The Liberator - Daniel O'Connell's nickname, The Repeal Association - A movement set up to abolish the Act of Union, 1847 - The year O'Connell died, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi - People who viewed O'Connell as an inspiration, 100,000 - The amount of people who attended one of O'Connell's monster meetings, A hatred of political violence - One of O'Connell's key beliefs, The nation that produced food for both Ireland and Britain - Ireland,

Chapter 15: Daniel O'Connell


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