1) I sat on the porch and watch the __________ fall from the sky. a) rane b) roan c) rine d) rean e) rain f) raen 2) My dog was itchy because of a _____________. a) flea b) flei c) flee d) flai e) flue f) flye 3) I tripped and fell because my shoes were _______________. a) untiad b) untoad c) untied d) untaed e) untiod f) untiud 4) There was a huge _________ around the castle. a) moit b) moet c) mout d) moat e) mote f) maot 5) I went to Hogwarts and watched a wizards ___________. a) duel b) dual c) duol d) duil e) dule f) doul 6) The __________ cleaned my house from top to bottom. a) maed b) made c) maid d) mead e) mied f) mad 7) I can't wait until it is warmer so I can go to the __________ a) beach b) beich c) beche d) beech e) biech f) biach 8) When the baby gets sleepy, he usually ______. a) crias b) crase c) crise d) crize e) cries f) criez 9) In the summer, I love to _________ down the river. a) flote b) floet c) flout d) flot e) floit f) float 10) You need a lot of __________ to make slime. a) glu b) glow c) glou d) gloa e) glue f) glew


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