Discuss another country you've visited. When/where did you go? Who did you go with?, Discuss a famous person you've met. Who was it? Where and when? Did you take a selfie or get an autograph?, Discuss a long journey you've been on. How long was the flight or drive? Who did you go with?, Discuss the most extreme weather you've experienced. When and where was it?, Discuss something you've recently bought. What was it and how much did it cost?, Discuss a terrible or amazing holiday you've had. When/where was it? What happened?, Discuss something you've lost. What was it? How long was it lost for? How did you find it?, Discuss something new you've recently eaten. What/where was it? Did you like it?, Discuss a scary experience you've had. What happened?, Discuss a problem you've recently had. Did you solve it? How?, Discuss an accident or injury you've had. How did it happen? How long did it take to recover?, Discuss a skill you've learned recently. What skill was it? How long did it take to learn?, Discuss a friend or family member you've spoken to recently. Who did you speak to? What did you speak about and for how long?, Discuss an important test you've taken. How did you do? How did you prepare for it?, Discuss an important relationship you've had. How, when, and where did you meet? .

B3- B4 CON Present Perfect Past simple experiences



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