What's your favourite food? Why?, What's your daily routine?, Where are you going to go next weekend?, What do you do in your free time?, Do you have siblings? How many?, Tell us about your best friend., Tell us about your mom., What kind of music do you like? Why?, What's your favourite TV program? Why?, What is your mom doing right now?, Where did you go last Friday?, Do you enjoy going to the cinema?, Introduce yourself (name, age, occupation, etc?, How do you arrive at school?, What are you going to do after the class?, Tell us about your family., What's your favourite season? Why?, What's your favourite type of holiday?, Do you like going to concerts?, What are you going to do on your next birthday?, What's your favourite day of the week? Why?, What makes you happy?, Do you like cooking?, What kind of music do you like?, What did you do yesterday night?, How often do you go out with your friends?.

Speaking A2 (PreInt_part2)


Τυχαίες κάρτες είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.

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