Physical Health: Reliable body function, being able to perform adequate physical tasks, Being health weight for height, healthy blood pressure, adequate energy levels, being physically fit, Well functioning Immune system, Free from illness , Flexibility , Mental health: Coping with stress, Forming positive opinions, coping with day to day demands, Positive decision making , feeling good about ones self, Accepting ones self, Supporting the community , Confidence and self esteem, Social Health: Forming friendships, Conflict management, Obeying laws and rules of society, maintaining a network of friends, communication skills, accepting responsibility for your actions, working well in teams, being respectful, active family member , Emotional Health: being in control of feelings, Expressing feelings openly, feelings of security, being resilient, being aware of personal feelings, possessing feelings of accomplishments, Spiritual Health: having a sense of wellbeing, having a sense of happiness and fulfillment, seeking peace and harmony, being involved in community , based upon belief system, seeking the meaning of life, sensing of purpose, meaning or value, identifying with a faith or belief system ,

Dimensions of health game



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