Alliteration - The repetition of a constant at the beginning of words., Assonance - resemblance in sound, especially of the vowel sounds in word, Consonance - The repetition of final constant sounds in stressed syllables with different vowel sounds., Connotation - the feelin or mental picture associated with a word of phrase, Denotation - The meaning of a word you would find in the dictionary., Allusion - A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or reference's., Anecdote - A short account of some interesting , strange , or amusing incident., Paraphrase - the restatement of a term using other words, diction - Refers to an authors choice of words, folklore - Stories handed down through speech from generation, analogy - A comparison that explains one subject by pointing out its similarities to another subject-must consider what qualities or characteristics the two subjects have in common., calrification - Focuses on a specific part of the response., Rhetorical - Refers to the art of using language well, particular in terms of written and spoken discourse. Effective rhetorical utilizes various tools to persuade, move, entertain, and please its audience., setting - Time and place of the action in a literary work., voice - the mixture of vocabulary, tone, point of view, and syntax that makes phrases, sentences, and paragraphs flow in a particular manner., tall tale - stories set in the wild west; the main characters strength, skills, or size have been exaggerated and the ton is funny., tragedy - ends in death and sadness, comedy - has a happy ending, non fiction - writing that is true , realistic - a story that could have happened.,

Matthew Lee-Lit Definitions


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