Back in those days before planes were ____, if people had to travel across the ____ from one ____ to another, they must ____ weeks or even months on board a ____. For many, it would be a ____ adventure as many had never ____ on a ____ home. Unlike the ____ modern ships we have today, most ships back then were built out of ____ from large ____. A ____ ship was only about 30 metres long but would carry more than a ____ people, a serious ____ by modern ____. Most ____ lived in a ____ common area below the main ____. It was dark and ____ was poor. There were only a few ____ so many passengers had to sleep on the ____. Those who had ____ were able to ____ themselves from the cold while those who did not had to ____ the tough ____ of the ____. There was no ____ water, no ____ and no flush ____. Something as ____ as maintaining ____ was a challenge and it was not ____ for passengers to develop ____ such as ____ and ____. Privacy was a ____ and was available only to a few ____ passengers who could ____ the ____ in the ____. Fresh produce was ____ onto ____ at the beginning of the ____. Passengers could enjoy ____ with meat and ____ for the first few ____ of the ____. However, ____ gradually ran out and passengers had to ____ on dried foodstuffs such as ____, dried ____ and ____. Even then, cooking could not be done every day. When the ____ was windy and ____, fire could not be started. It was only when the ocean was ____ and ____ would passengers be able to enjoy ____. Getting sufficient ____ was a problem, and the longer the journey ____, the worse the problem became. Most people ____ their ____ on board the ship ____. That was because there was nothing much they could do. Unlike ____ equipped with ____ and other ____, and unlike today's ____ of the ____ that helps to keep us ____, the ____ of the olden days did not have any entertainment ____. Children would bring their ____ to play but they would be playing with the same toys ____. Adults would chat with other passengers or ____ with ____ but they would soon be ____ by the problems of ____ and ____. The weeks and months spent on the ship must have felt extremely ____ and ____. As the ____ neared its end, many passengers would become ____ or sick due to the ____ of food and ____ of those remaining, as well as the ____ that they had to put up with. The ____ did not ____ of any doctors and ____ who could ____ on the ____ of passengers. ____ passengers had to wait until they reach the ____ before they could ____. When the ____ finally ____ at the ____, the passengers, who had not ____ on land for a very long time, could not leave ____. They were ____ to health and ____ checks before they were ____ for ____. That would end their ____ adventure ____, as greater adventures ____ them at their ____.

4a1 chapter 4 story


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