, camping, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Make a sentence with the previous card, Make a sentence with the previous card, Make a sentence with the previous card, Make a sentence with the previous card, Make a sentence with the previous card, Make two sentences with the next card, Make two sentences with the next card, Make two sentences with the next card, Make two sentences with the next card, Make two sentences with the next card, Make two sentences with the next card, Miss a turn!, Miss a turn!, Miss a turn!, Miss a turn!, Miss a turn!, Miss a turn!, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past simple tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past simple tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past simple tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past simple tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past simple tense, From now on, all sentences must be in present perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in present perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in present perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in present perfect tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, From now on, all sentences must be in past continuous tense, Make sentences with next 4 cards..

SK I1-I2 Gram M3 W1 It's all in the past (Tense game)


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