1) She has been to a restaurant ... serves octopus and snails. 2) Robert owns a flat ... is very fashionable. 3) Hannah loves the dishes ... her granny prepares on Sundays. 4) Charles wants to buy a new car ... is quite expensive. 5) Jennifer is the nurse ... I talked to yesterday. 6) Laura bought some bread ... wasn't fresh. 7) The man ... was at the corner was clever. 8) Penelope is the actress ... won the Oscar. 9) July is the month ... I usually go on holiday. 10) She has failed the exam ... she needed to pass.  11) I took my son to the zoo ... is in the park. 12) The dogs ... Julia looks after are funny. 13) Strawberry ice-cream is a flavour ... I always prefer.  14) John is my younger brother ... is ten. 15) That's the ring ... my husband bought for me. 16) The lake ... is in front of my apartment is very romantic. 17) The bed ... I slept in was very comfortable.  18) She spoke to her boss ... was angry. 19) I met a Chineese man ... was living in London. 20) Leonardo studied at university ... his father studied too. 21) The pupils copied the exercises ... the teacher has written on the blackboard. 22) Samantha is a lawyer ... is helping my parents. 23) Pizza is a food ... Helen eats. 24) My mum loves going to the beach ... she meets her friends. 25) Ireland is a country ... I studied. 26) What have you done with the money ... I gave you last Sunday? 27) I sometimes visit my uncle ... in Rome. 28) The sculpture ... Henry made two years ago is now at the museum in NY. 29) The woman ... lives next door is Australian. 30) He wanted everything ... was in green colour. 31) Water is all ... I want.   32) It is the worst music ... I have ever heard.


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