1) Zoe's decided ... (take) aspirin for her headache. a) to take b) taking 2) Do you enjoy ... (do) sports like judo and karate? a) to do b) doing 3) ... (Swim) is good for your heart. a) Swimming b) To swim 4) It's a good idea ... (go) jogging every morning, doctors say. a) going b) to go 5) Would you like ... (download) a calorie counter app? a) to download b) downloading 6) I can't stand ... (talk) about health problems at family parties! a) to talk b) talking 7) The gymnast doesn't mind ... (repeat) the exercise several times. a) repeating b) to repeat 8) Jessica is very keen on ... (watch) cooking programms. a) watching b) to watch 9) ... (eat) junk food every day is bad for your health. a) To eat b) Eating 10) I think teenagers need ... (sleep) for about 8 hours a day. a) to sleep b) sleeping

Impulse 2 Gerund vs. infinitive


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