苹果 - apple, 你一言,我一语 - two persons engaging in a conversation, 词语 - words, 鱼丸 - fishball, 鼓 - drum, 帽子 - hat /cap, 外套 - jacket, 递 - give / pass, 姑姑 - aunt (father's sister), 烟花棒 - sparkles, 接 - fetch, 乌云密布 - sky overcast with dark clouds, 紧接着 - shortly after, 倾盆大雨 - raining cats and dogs, 风呼呼的吹 - whistling (wind), 暖暖的 - warmly, 赶紧 - hastily / quickly, 表示 - show / express, 忽然 - suddenly, 灵机一动 - have a bright idea, 挤 - huddle, 靠 - lean, 紧紧的 - tightly, 撑 - open ( an umbrella) , 担心 - worry / feel anxious, 十分 - very,


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