1) What do you call the parts of the school year? 2) What do you call the the qualifications you get when you finish university? 3) What do you call a school for children under three? 4) What do you call the work scientist often do at universities? 5) What do you call something teachers write on for their students to copy? 6) What is the difference between a primary school and a secondary school? 7) What is the difference between a public school and a state school? 8) What is the difference between your marks and your grades? 9) What is the difference between a pupil and a student? 10) What is the difference between to do/ take an exam and to pass an exam? 11) Name five subjects you can do at school. 12) Name a school between elementary and high school. 13) Name someone who teaches at university. 14) Name an exam during which you have to speak. 15) Name something you are supposed to write down information in. 16) Translate into English: egzamin próbny 17) Translate into English: powtarzać materiał 18) Translate into English: nie mam pojęcia 19) Translate into English: zapamiętywać 20) Translate into English: długotrwały



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