Harry potter, Ginny weasley, Ron weasley, drako malfoy, dumbbledore, snape, Quirlle, gorge weasley, fred weasley, sorrcerce  stone, chamber of secrets, Dobby, Hermione, Peeves, Hermione and ron weasley, MRS .weasley, MR. Weasley, Harry and ginny, harry p, Hermione Granger, Parselmouth. HARRY!!!!!!!!, Colin creevy, Justin Finch-Fletchley, The Sorting Hat, HEDLESS HUNT, Enemies of the Heir, Hufflepuff, The Fat Lady, Percys girlferind, Percy  Weasley, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, The Burrow, Muggle, The Hogwarts Express, Professor McGongall, Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey, Moaning Myrtle, Myrtle and  Harry in the Prefects bathroom, Harry pottah, Ginny is the Best, I LOVE HARRY POTTER.


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