We ... of going on holiday next month. Where ... we should go? (think), Dad ... the soup. I'm sure it ... very good. (taste), He ... at the book now. It ... interesting. (look), ... (he) the tomatoes now? How much ... (they)? (weigh), Our friends ... a new swimming pool. They ... a pool party this Sunday. (have), Why ... (those boys/smile) at us? ... (we/know) them?, I ... (enjoy) this summer holiday! I (not/want) it to end. , On annual White Nights, many museums and lots of shops ... (stay) open at night., I ... (use) my parent's car tomorrow., How much ... (your dog/weigh)?, Elizabeth ... (know) where the new cinema ... (be). , A. ... (this laptop/belong) to Jack? B. No, I ... (think) it ... (belong) to Debbie. , A. Bill usually ... (enjoy) his work. B. Yes, but he ... (not/enjoy) it now because he's got too much to do., A. Why ... (you/taste) the milk? B. Because it ... (taste) rather strange. ... (you/want) to taste it?, A. Susan ... (talk) to her boyfriend on the phone at the moment. B. I can tell. She ... (look) very excited. , David ... (think) about getting the job., Please, be quiet! You ... (be) too noisy!, I ... (feel) that you are wrong., I ... (see) Ann this afternoon at 3. , We ... (have) an interesting conversation!.


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