adventure sport - a sport that is exciting and dangerous, building - a structure such as a house or school that has a roof and walls, wait - to stay where you are or delay doing something until somebody / something comes or something happens, interested - giving your attention to something because you enjoy finding out about it or doing it, hope - to want something to happen and think that it is possible, dive - to jump into water with your head and arms going in first, competition - an event in which people compete with each other to find out who is the best at something, nervous - anxious about something or afraid of something, skydiving - a sport in which you jump from a plane and fall for as long as you safely can before opening your parachute, parachute - ​a device that is attached to people or objects to make them fall slowly and safely when they are dropped from an aircraft, wingsuit - a piece of clothing with material between the legs and under the arms that fills with air when the user jumps from an aircraft or a high place, afraid - frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer,

time Zones 2 unit 11 voc 1



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