Marco Polo - legendary Italian merchant who explored stories about the wealth of Asia and China and India., Ferdinand and Isabella - Catholic monarchs Sponsored Columbus because they wanted to expand Spain's power, The Silk Road - the trade would that brought spices and silk to Europe through hostile Muslim empires., El Dorado - legendary city the Spanish believed existed in South America made entirely of gold, Portuguese Explorer who sailed all the way to India - Vasco de Gama, Portugal - country which started the age of exploration by exploring Africa, The carave - new type of ship used by explorers, A compass - instrument used by explorers which always pointed north, Renaissance - Events going on in Italy at the same time as the age of exploration which encourage new ways of thinking, The Aztecs - Civilisation from Mexico, 1492 - Year Columbus discovered the New World, one of the causes of age of exploration was Europeans wanted to get - Rich from gold spices, Europeans explores wanted to spread - Their religion Christianity, Europeans explores wanted to be - Famous, India and the spice trade - Columbus believed by sailing whilst he would reach which country,


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