Culture - A way of life, Status - Social position or standing in society, Roles - Pattern of behaviour or responsibility, Blackman - New wave girls, Bennett - Middle aged punks, Subculture - Culture within a culture, Belk - Consumer culture is avidly desiring goods for status seeking, envy provocation and novelty seeking, Lury - Features of a consumer culture e.g. debt a norm, different forms of shopping available etc., Thornton - Media brings about youth culture, High culture - Culture of the elite, Berger - Oil paintings used to show off possessions, Goldman - Literature - class plays a large part, Popular culture - Culture of the masses, Polemus - Supermarket of style, Multiculturalism - Mix of different ethnic groups, Parker and Song - Internet used by minority groups to organise social events etc, Davie - Religion important for minority groups to maintain cultural identity, Cultural diversity - Mix of ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality etc, Cricher - Moral panics in the media about gay people, Humphries - Tea room trade, Ward and Winstanley - Gay people coming out in the workplace, Global culture - One world culture, Johal and Bains - Metaphorical white mask, Taylor - McDonaldisation, Hybrid culture - Merging cultural styles together to create new ones, Les Back - South London council estates, young people engaged in cultural borrowing, Gillespie - British Punjabis using internet to combine their cultural heritage with aspects of American dream, Butler - British Asians traditional at home but adopted Western ideas about education and careers, Seidler - Young Asian girls normative femininity at home but more questioning outside home, Ballard - Cultural navigation - young people switch codes with peers,


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