under the weather - feel ill, suffer from - to experience physical or mental pain, sneeze - to send air out from the nose and mouth in an explosive way that you cannot control, a lot of small red spots on the skin - red rash, body aches - an uncomfortable symptom caused by muscle inflammation and soreness, swallow - to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move from your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat, sweat - the clear, salty liquid that you pass through your skin, hay fever - an illness like a cold, caused by pollen, nosebleed - an occasion when blood comes out of a person's nose, upset stomach - you feel sick in the stomach, inhale - to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your lungs, exhale - to send air out of your lungs, tissue, napkin, MRI, prescribe - (of a doctor) to say what medical treatment someone should have, go on foot,

New Vocabulary U9 (the definitions are taken from Cambridge Dictionary)



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