1) A figure that describes the number of babies that die within the first year of their lives. a) Birth Rate b) Infant Mortality Rate c) Life Expectancy 2) A figure indicating how long, on average, a person may be expected to live. a) Life Expectancy  b) Infant Mortality Rate c) Birth Rate 3) An economic system in which the government controls a country's economy. a) Command Economy b) Free Enterprise c) Mercantilism d) Market Economy e) Capitalism 4) A method used to count the number of poor people; it considers what a family must spend for a basic lifestyle. a) Poverty Line b) Census c) Mendoza Line 5) The landscape, especially its physical features.  a) Terrain b) Mountains c) Elevation 6) Russian money a) Rubles b) Rubies c) Dollars d) Pesos 7) The Russian term for ruler of king; taken from the Roman word caesar. a) Tsar b) President c) Chancellor d) Emperor e) Little Caesar's f) Ceasar Salad 8) A form of socialism that abolishes private ownership. a) Communism b) Republic c) Oligarchy d) Monarchy 9) A Communist nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other states, that existed from 1922 to 1991. a) Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) b) United States of Russia c) United Russian Kingdom 10) Treeless plains, which usually have little rain and are covered with coarse grass. a) Steppes b) Tundra c) Taiga d) Permafrost 11) A person who moves form place to place. a) Nomad b) Settler c) Pioneer d) Explorer 12) A narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water. a) Strait b) Sea c) River d) Peninsula 13) Permanently frozen ground. a) Permafrost b) Tundra c) Taiga d) Steppes 14) Flat land found in arctic and subarctic regions; exists in Siberia. a) Tundra b) Taiga c) Steppes d) Plains 15) Forest area. a) Taiga b) Tundra c) Steppes d) Plateau

Packman Russia Vocabulary


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