1) What is the Hebrew date for Rosh Hashana? a) 1, 2 Elul b) 1, 2 Av c) 1, 2 Tishrei 2) What is another name for Rosh Hashana? a) Yom Kippur b) Yom Hazikaron c) Yom huledet sameach 3) What is the main mitzvah of Rosh Hashana? a) Apples dipped in honey b) Round challot c) To hear the Shofar 4) When was the first Rosh Hashana? a) 6th day of creation b) 1990 c) 2023 5) What are the sounds of the Shofar? a) Teshuva, Teffilah, Tzedakah b) Tekia, Shevarim, Teruah c) Toot, Toot, Toooooot 6) What is the Hebrew date for Yom Kippur? a) 10 Elul b) 10 Tishrei c) 10 Av 7) What is the special prayer book we use on Yomtov? a) Siddur b) Machzor c) Torah 8) What is Teshuva? a) Improving your ways and saying sorry b) Davening c) Saying Brachot 9) What is Tefillah? a) Bentching b) Learning Torah c) Davening 10) What is the Hebrew date of Sukkot? a) 1 Tishrei b) 10 Tishrei c) 15 Tishrei 11) On Sukkot we shake the: a) Torah b) Lulav and Etrog c) Honey Jar 12) What are the branches on top of the Sukkah called? a) Schach b) Hadassim c) Aravot 13) On Shemini Atzeret we Daven for: a) Apples in honey b) Rain c) Pomegranites 14) On Simchat Torah we celebrate: a) The getting of the Torah b) The 10 Commandments c) We finish reading the Torah and start again 15) When do we do Hakafot? a) Rosh Hashana b) Yom Kippur c) Simchat Torah 16) We do Tashlich by: a) Water b) A Shul c) A bee hive

Grade 3 Yamim Noraim


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