1) In Act 1 Scene 1, the witches state... a) "Foul is fair and fair is foul" b) "All is foul" c) "So fair and foul a day I have not seen" d) "Fair is foul and foul is fair" 2) What is the correct term for the way that the witches speak in Act 1 Scene 1? a) Perpendicular couplets b) Paradoxical couplets c) Anticlimactic couplets d) Confusing couplets 3) Finish the quotation: "There to...." a) "...meet with Macbeth" b) "...reach Macbeth" c) "...speak with Macbeth" d) "...talk with Macbeth" 4) Who introduces Macbeth for the second time? a) Ross b) Angus c) The Bloody Captain d) King Duncan 5) How is Macbeth described?  a) As a "lion" and a "python" b) As a "lion" and an "eagle" c) As a "warrior" and a "captain" d) As a "tiger" and a "lion" 6) Finish the quotation: "Like Valour's minion..." a) "...carved out his way to the enemy" b) "...carved his path" c) "...carved his passage" d) "...carved his entrance" 7) What are Macbeth's first lines on stage? a) "unseam'd him from the nave to th'chaps" b) "fair is foul and foul is fair" c) "stay, you imperfect speakers" d) "so fair and foul a day I have not seen" 8) How does Macbeth react to the witches' prophecies? a) Banquo comments on Macbeth's eagerness to trust them b) Banquo comments on Macbeth being "afeard" of the witches c) Banquo comments that Macbeth "starts", as if he is guilty d) Banquo comments on Macbeth's dismissal of the witches 9) Finish the quotation: "Stars..." a) "...hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires" b) "...hide your fires, let not light see my deep and dark desires" c) "...hide your lights, let not man see my black and deep desires" d) "hide yourselves, let nothing alive see my black and deep desires" 10) What is a hamartia? a) Being overly ambitious b) A fatal or tragic flaw c) A winning personality trait d) Being overly violent

Macbeth Act 1 Key Quotations


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