1) Hera was a goddess of: a) War, destruction, and death b) Beauty, seduction, and love c) Poetry, architecture, and art d) Marriage, women, and childbirth e) Merchants, thieves, and bankers f) Grains, harvest, and agriculture 2) Who was Hera's husband? a) Apollo b) Hermes c) Eros d) Hephaestus e) Zeus f) Ares 3) Which animal symbolized Hera? a) Goat b) Eagle c) Peacock d) Cat e) Dog f) Snake 4) Who were the parents of Hera? a) Rhea and Cronus b) Aphrodite and Ares c) Demeter and Apollo d) Persephone and Hades e) Zeus and Athena f) Poseidon and Tethys 5) Hera was Heracles'... a) Lover b) Mother c) Sister d) Cousin e) Step-mother f) Friend 6) Because of her husband's multiple affairs, Hera was known for her... a) Patience b) Jealousy c) Infidelity d) Madness e) Forgiveness f) Sadness 7) Hera turned Callisto into a a) Swan b) Fox c) Cat d) Crocodile e) Butterfly f) Bear 8) Homer called Hera a) Boôpis b) Eileithyia c) Rhoecus d) Angelos e) Geryon f) Hyginus 9) Hera's counterpart in Roman religion was a) Minerva b) Venus c) Juno d) Ceres e) Diana f) Cybele 10) How many children did Hera have? a) 9 b) 12 c) 8 d) 3 e) 7 f) 1 11) Hera helped whom to obtain Golden Fleece? a) Heracles b) Achilles c) Odysseus d) Jason e) Perseus f) Theseus 12) Zeus managed to marry Hera by... a) Seducing her b) Tricking her c) Begging her d) Bribing her e) Forcing her f) Ignoring her

Hera, Matron Goddess of Ancient Greece



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