Ben: So, have you tried any new sports lately? Lucy: Yeah! I just went skiing last month. It was amazing! Ben: Skiing? That sounds great. Did you wear ____ and a helmet? Lucy: Yes, of course. Safety first! Ben: I used to love snowboarding when I lived in Canada. Do you prefer skis or a ____? Lucy: Skis. I feel more stable on them. Ben: Hmm, I might need to give skiing a try then. Hey, have you ever gone ice skating? Lucy: Oh yeah! I like it even better than skiing. Ben: Really? I've only tried it once. I couldn't stop ____ over. Lucy: You probably just need more practice. And make sure you're wearing good skates and ____. Ben: Good point. How about tennis? Do you play? Lucy: No, but I'm pretty good at badminton. ____ sports are awesome. Ben: Totally agree. And what do you think of hockey? Lucy: I love watching it, but I've never ____ played. Have you? Ben: Yep. I used to play with my friends all the time. Fighting for the ____ with sticks is always a lot of fun. Lucy: Sounds intense. How about basketball? Ben: Not really my ____. But I enjoy playing soccer and volleyball. Have you ever played on a ____ court before? Lucy: Yeah, once or twice. Sand ____ can be tough though. Have you played water polo? Ben: No, I haven't. It looks hard balancing on eggbeater move while holding the ball. Lucy: For sure! And have you ever tried ____? Ben: No, but it seems really interesting. Waving your ____ as well as maintaining form could go challenging Lucy: Exactly. I tried it once and it was ____ than I thought. But now, let's go out for a jog with dogs! Ben: Sounds great! Let's do it.

Interactive 4 unit 2 vocabulary


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