1.Manor Farm is run by Mr Jones, a neglectfulo drunkard, 2. Shoitly before dying, old Major tells all t he animals of a dream he's had in which they rise up against their human masters and work the land for themselves, 3. The pigs, being the cleverest, elaborate Major's idea into a philosophy named Animalism, 4. The rebellion occurs suddenly afterthe hungry unfed cowsbreak into the store shed and fight back when Jones attempts to chasten them, 5. Seven key commandmentsare written down for the animals to live by and Manor Farm is renamed Animal Farm, 6. Initially Animal Farm seems a great success, wth democratic meetingsheld every Sunday and Snowball leading committees, 7. When it is discovered that the pigs are awarding themselve extra rations, it is excused on the basis that they require brain food, 8When Jones does try to reclaim the farm, he is beaten away by the animals, with Snowball and Boxer earning honours for their bravery, 9 Snowball clashes with many matters, 10 At the meeting to vote on the windmill, Napoleon performs a violent coup, 11 Napoleon announces that the windmill will be built after all..., 12 The pigs move into the farmhouse, 13 The windmill is destroyed by a storm, 14 Times are tough and rations are low, 15 Napoleon slaughtres animals, 16 Democratic meetings become nothing but pomp, 17 Farmer Frederic blows up the windmill, 18 The pigs discover a crate of whisky, 19 Rebuilding the windmill starts again, 20 Boxer is taken away in the slaughter van, 21 Napoleon pays tribute to Boxer, 22 Time passe and things worsen, 23 One day the pigs appear on 2 legs, 24 Napoleon hosts a gathering, 25 During a gae of cards, Napoleon is accused of cheating.



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