A big ____ to globalization is a greater selection of foods available year-round. New foods can be ____ through genetic modification. Transportation is one of the biggest changes in modern food. Today’s ____ are grown to be shipped long distances so they can be sold in markets far from the farms where they are ____. Scientists look at the basic material that makes every food unique. Like any plant or animal, a crop has ____ that determine its physical ____. Scientists use genetic engineering to introduce a new trait that does not naturally ____ in a species. Golden Rice could help ____ blindness caused by Vitamin A ____. One bowl of Golden Rice supplies 60 percent of a child’s daily Vitamin A requirement. Scientists are now working on ways to add other genes to rice to create varieties that provide other key ____, such as iron Inventors spend hundreds of hours thinking of large and small ____. One of the most significant ones is the general anaesthesia. The doctor could ____ surgery without the patients feeling pain.


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