Act 1 scenes 1- 3 : Fair is foul, and foul is fair! , O valiant cousin! Worthy Gentleman!, Brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name), He shall live a man forbid. - , ' - that be King hereafter!', 'Thou shalt get kings,', 'The greatest is behind.', ' to betray's in deepest consequence', 'Without my stir', Act 1 Scenes 4 & 5: 'An absolute trust - Enter Macbeth, 'black and deep desires!', 'the milk of human kindness', 'The illness should attend it.' , '... unsex me here' , 'look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under't', Act 1 Scenes 6 & 7: Fair and noble hostess,, 'He's here in double trust:', 'Vaulting ambition,', 'And live a coward in thine own esteem,', 'And dashed the brains out!', 'Bring forth men-children only!', 'False face must hide the false heart doth know.',

Test yourself on Macbeth quotes Acts 1 - 3.2


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