Attrition - A gradual natural decrease in number; becoming fewer in number, Berate - To criticize or scold harshly, Circumvent - To avoid by going around; to escape from, prevent, or stop through cleverness, Cohesive - Sticking or holding together; unified, Equivocate - To be deliberately vague in order to mislead, Estrange - To make unsympathetic or unfriendly; alienate, Euphoric - Overjoyed; having an itense feeling of well-being, Fortuitous - Happening by chance, by accident, or at random; lucky, Grievous - Causing grief or pain; very serious or severe, Impeccable - Faultless; perfect, Impetuous - Done or acting in a hurry, with little thought; impulsive, Infallible - Not capable of error or failure; unable to make a mistake, Inundate - To cover, as by flooding; overwhelm with a large number or amount, Liasion - A person who serves as a connection between groups or individuals; a go-between, Maudlin - Tearfully sentimental; overly emotional, Oblivious - Unaware; failing to notice, Predisposed - Tending toward or open to something beforehand, Propensity - A natural preference or tendency, Regress - To return to an earlier, generally worse, condition or behavior, Relinquish - To surrender (something); give (something) up, Reprehensible - Deserving of blame, criticism, or disapproval, Reticent - Quiet or uncommunicative, Robust - Healthy and strong; vigorous, Sanction - To authorize; allow, or approve, Sham - A pretense or counterfeit; something meant to deceive, Solicitous - Showing or expressing concern, care, or attention, Solace - Comfort in sorrow or misfortune, Ubiquitous - Existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time, Vociferous - Noisy; expressing feelings loudly and intensely, Zenith - The highest point or condition; peak,

Advancing Vocabulary - Chaps. 4, 7, and 8



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