submit - You must ... your application before 1 January., tuition - Few can afford the ... of $12,000 a semester., scholarship - The brothers made a donation to their universities to establish an athletic ..., qualifications - You'll never get a good job if you don't have any ..., highlight - The ... of our class trip was going to the top of the church tower., attend - All pupils are expected to ... school assembly., assemble - The teachers should ... in the meeting room for the announcement., enrol - They want to ... their children in their local school., academic - The school is noted for its ... excellence., compulsory - English is ... for all students, but art and music are optional., dean - She is the new ... of the Faculty of Social Sciences., admission - She wanted to be a nurse, but was denied ... to nursing school., mock exam - You will have your ... during the first two weeks of March to gain some experience before the big day., truant - You'll fail all your exams if you carry on playing ..., retake - I'm sorry to hear that you have to ... your driving test. Next time you'll do better., revise - We're going to ... algebra for the test tomorrow.,



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