1) Sarah fell ... for Mark the moment she laid eyes on him at the party. a) head over heels b) the apple of his eye c) puppy love d) lovebirds e) tie the knot f) lovey-dovey 2) From that day they met, she became ..., bringing light and warmth into her world. a) old flame b) the apple of his eye c) head over heels d) those three little words e) get hitched f) love nest 3) He always tells his wife, "...," to express the depth of his affection for her, reminding her of the endless expanse of his love. a) those three little words b) the apple of his eye c) head over heels in love d) tie the knot e) I love you to the moon and back f) puppy love 4) Their relationship started as ... in high school but blossomed into something deeper and lasting, a journey of love and growth they embarked on together. a) tie the knot b) those three little words c) lovebirds d) lovey-dovey e) puppy love f) head over heels in love 5) Mark and Emily are such ...; they can't keep their hands off each other even after years of marriage. a) puppy love b) the apple of his eye c) get hitched d) lovebirds e) head over heels in love f) lovey-dovey 6) Meeting his ... at the reunion stirred up memories of their passionate past, reminding him of the twists and turns love can take throughout life. a) lovebirds b) puppy love c) old flame d) lovey-dovey e) tie the knot f) the apple of his eye 7) Whenever they're together, they become so ..., constantly exchanging affectionate gestures. a) puppy love b) lovebirds c) in love d) lovey-dovey e) head over heels in love f) old flame 8) After years of dating, they finally decided to ... and start a life together as husband and wife. a) fall in love b) tie the knot c) head over heels in love d) old flame e) get hitched f) love nest 9) They found the perfect ..., a cozy little cottage by the lake where they could spend their days together. a) lovebirds b) lovey-dovey c) puppy love d) old flame e) love nest f) ride or die 10) After years of being together, they decided it was time to ... and make their commitment official. a) get hitched b) fall in love c) say those three little words d) become the apple of his eye e) ride or die f) tie the knot


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