1) Who is the father of psychology? a) John B. Watson b) Ella Fitzgerald c) B.F. Skinner d) Wilhelm Wundt 2) Which of the following individuals is a Behaviorist? a) Sigmund Freud b) Abraham Maslow c) B.F. Skinner d) Carl Rogers 3) This renowned individual in psychology believed psychology should be the study of the unconscious mind: a) Maslow b) Rogers c) B.F. Skinner d) Freud 4) Which theoretical orientation is this? The subject matter of psychology should be the investigation of the parts that make up consciousness:  a) Structuralism b) Functionalism c) Psychoanalytic d) Behavioral 5) Which theoretical orientation is this? The subject matter of psychology should be the investigation of the purpose of consciousness: a) Structuralism b) Functionalism c) Psychoanalytic d) Behavioral 6) Which theoretical orientation is this? Human beings are unique individuals always striving for more. a) Psychoanalytic b) Behavioral c) Humanistic d) Cognitive 7) Which theoretical orientation is this? Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection highly influenced this early school of thought. The flow of consciousness was examined: a) Structuralism b) Functionalism c) Humanistic d) Behavioral 8) This technique was used by the Structuralists to prove that Consciousness existed: a) MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging b) Sun dial c) Introspection d) Hibatchi 9) The ideas of the Id, Ego, and Super Ego are closely associated with which individual? a) Maslow b) Freud c) Skinner d) Watson 10) Which type of doctorate in psychology is most research oriented? a) M.A. b) B.A. c) Psy.D d) Ph.D 11) Which of the following degrees in psychology allow for prescriptions to be written? a) M.A. b) M.S.W. c) M.D. d) Ph.D 12) Which of the following can write a prescription for medication in psychology? a) Social Worker b) Psychologist c) Psychiatrist d) Life coach 13) Who said, "Give me 12 healthy infants and I'll shape them into whatever I desire...?" a) Wundt b) Watson c) Pavlov d) Maslow 14) Who said, "Free Will is an illusion?" a) Pavlov b) B.F. Skinner c) Freud d) James 15) Hierarchy of Needs and Self Actualization is most closely associated with whom? a) Wundt b) Maslow c) Rogers d) James 16) Functionalism is most closely similar to what more modern theoretical orientation? a) Structuralism b) Psychoanalysis c) Humanistic d) Evolutionary 17) Which of the following professions in psychology studies the improvement of workplace productivity? a) Health psychologists b) Developmental psychologists c) Industrial/Organizational Psychologists d) Clinical Psychologists 18) Which of the following professions in psychology deals most with the treatment of mental disorders? a) Health b) Developmental c) Industrial/Organizational d) Clinical 19) Which individual stumbled upon dogs learning with a bell? a) Watson b) Wundt c) Pavlov d) B.F. Skinner 20) First woman to complete her Ph.D. in psychology: a) Mary Washburn b) Jean-Jacues Rousseau c) Rene Descartes d) Jean Piaget

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