How many times have you been abroad?, What are your favourite ways of studying a language? How do you study English?, When did you last watch a film/serie?, What are your plans for the next year?, Had you eaten anything before you came here?, What were you doing yesterday at 7 pm?, How long have you been learning English?, What do you do? What are you working on at the moment?, How long had you been working in your previous company before you decided to leave?, What will you be doing at this time on Sunday?, How long will you have been working in this company by the end of the year?, What do you think you will have achieved by 70?, What habits did you use to have when you were a child?, Do you consider yourself smarter than your parents? In what way?, What is your best friend doing right now?, What are you keen on?, If you had a chance to change your life, what would you do? , How your life would be different if the COVID-19 pandemic hadn't hit the world?, Do you regret any decisions you've made in your life? Why?, What have you achieved in your life? Are you proud of it? .

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