interrelated and mutually reinforcing factors - Beginning in the 1960s a number of interrelated and mutually reinforcing economic, technological and cultural factors combined to accelerate and extend those changes in existing family features., demographic and social consequences - These changes, and their demographic and social consequences, have raised considerable concern, if not panic, among some researchers and policy makers, doom mongering - Doom mongering about the dying Occident and the disintegration or even the end of the family have been advanced or discussed, some changes accelerated or resumed - In the past two decades, some changes accelerated or resumed after a temporary slow down, halt or temporary reversal., undesired adolescent pregnancy - Notwithstanding an increase in the use of effective contraceptive methods, undesired adolescent pregnancy has not yet disappeared completely., leave the parental home - More young people left the parental home to live some time on their own before cohabiting or marrying. This resulted in an increasing number of single person households of young adults., the recent reverse trend - The recent reverse trend in terms of not willing to leave the parental home in some countries is explained by a number of factors, such as increased unemployment, longer studies, higher affluence and moral tolerance in the parental home and consequently less pressure to leave, Living-Apart-Together relations - Both in North America and in Western Europe postponed marriage is increasingly replaced or preceded by cohabitation or ‘Living-Apart-Together’ (LAT) relations., unmarried cohabitation is increasing - Unmarried cohabitation is increasing, premarital as well as after separation, divorce or widowhood., as a result of occupational or other compelling circumstances - Some people have an intimate relationship but maintain - temporarily, partly or completely - separate households, in the majority of cases as a result of occupational or other compelling circumstances, less often as a conscious choice, nuptiality has decreased considerably - Nuptiality has decreased considerably in most countries, mainly as a consequence of the postponement of the first marriage., spectacular declines in marriage rates - These spectacular declines in marriage and remarriage rates, however, should not be interpreted as a sign of disintegration of the family as a social unit., appear to be replaced by other forms of unions - Marriage and remarriage appear to be replaced by other forms of unions, mainly consensual unions, or are postponed., single-person households - In recent decades the formation of single-person households has been increasing among different age groups., the desire for more independence - Among young adults the decision to live alone seems mainly to be the result of a conscious choice related to the desire for more independence or to educational or occupational reasons.,


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