Calm: During playtime, Sarah is happily building a house with blocks. She smiles and invites her friend to join in, offering more blocks to build together., In the morning circle, James patiently waits for his turn to share about his weekend adventures. He listens attentively to his classmates' stories and claps in encouragement., Trigger: During a group activity, Emily becomes frustrated when she can't find her favorite paint color. She starts to fidget in her seat and repeatedly asks the teacher where the paint is., At lunchtime, David is trying to open his juice box, but it spills all over his lunch. He lets out a sigh, slams his hands on the table, and mutters, "I can never do anything right!", Agitation: During a game of tag outside, Lily accidentally trips over a rock and falls down. She quickly stands up, glaring at the other children, and yells, "Why did you put that there?!", In the art corner, Ethan's marker runs out of ink just as he's about to finish his drawing. He throws the marker down, crosses his arms, and starts mumbling to himself in frustration., Escalation: During a group activity, Ryan becomes increasingly frustrated when his puzzle pieces don't fit together as he wants. He starts to raise his voice, saying, "This is so hard! I can't do it!" while continuing to forcefully push the pieces together., At snack time, Emma becomes upset when another child accidentally bumps into her, causing her cup of juice to spill slightly. Emma's face flushes, and she starts to ball her fists, saying, "Why did you do that? Now everything is messy!", Peak: During a group project, Mia disagrees with her teammates' ideas. As tensions rise, Mia raises her voice, pointing fingers, and insisting, "We're doing it my way!", During outdoor playtime, Tommy and Emily both want to use the same swing. Tommy pushes Emily aside and grabs the swing forcefully, saying, "It's mine! I want to swing first!", De-escalation: After a disagreement with a friend during recess, Daniel sits on a bench, visibly upset. The teacher approaches calmly, sits next to him, and asks what happened, offering support and understanding., During a music activity, Sophia becomes upset when her instrument won't make the right sound. She takes a deep breath, and with the teacher's guidance, tries again patiently until she succeeds.,


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