farcial - absurd; ludicrous , enigma - a mystery , desiccate  - to dry out , labyrinth - a maze , virulent - extremely poisonous; full of hate , diverse - different; various , exalt - to glorify, assidous - hardworking; busy , squander - to waste , debunk - to prove wrong , assuage - to soothe; to relieve , avarice - greed for money or riches , induce - cause to happen , reiterate - to say again; to repeat , malleable  - easy to shape or bend , abridge - to shorten or condense , soporific - causing sleep; very boring , discrete - unconnected; separate; distinct , gullible - easily deceived , fabricate - to lie , laud - to praise; to applaud , conflagration - a huge fire; inferno , discreet - sneaky; unnoticeable , gesticulate - to make gestures; especially when speaking , decorous - proper; in good taste, juxtapose - to place side by side , exasperate - to annoy thoroughly , discordant - lacking harmony or agreement , volatile  - highly unstable; explosive , idyllic - naturally peaceful ,



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